Kirsten Manley-Casimir
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Have you ever noticed how amazing birthdays are for kids?

Recently, my daughter turned seven.  In previous years, she had always been excited about her birthday – about the cake, the presents and the party.  But this year, something was different.  I could tell she was really excited about actually turning seven.


A couple days before her birthday, I asked her: “I can tell you’re really excited about your birthday…what do you think will be different when you turn seven?”

She responded: “Oh, Mommy…everything about my life will be better.”

Her response surprised and delighted me.


One of the things I admire about my daughter is how strong she is in her opinions and how sure of herself she is.  I find that this ability to be so sure of things is such a gift in the little people in our lives.  This is such an important lesson they teach us as parents.


A few days after her birthday, I asked her: “So did it come true? Is everything about your life better now that you’re seven?”

“Yes, definitely,” she replied.

“Can you share anything in particular that’s better?” I asked.

“Well, seven is my favourite number.  And now I can do a flip.”

Well, she’s right – all of that is definitely better!


And guess what? These conversations really got me thinking:

What if we all approached our birthdays or a new year or a new season like everything about our lives was about to get better?

What if we sent out that positive energy, thought and faith that everything was about to get better into the universe?

You know that feeling you get in your tummy when you know something exciting is about to happen?  I remember that feeling when I would go on a ride at a fairground, just like the one in the photo above. I would be so excited to get on that swing (and a little scared too).  And it would be exhilarating!

Imagine Feeling Excited Everyday about Your Life


I’m a firm believer that sending out positive energy and thoughts into the world creates massive ripples effects that can change the world for the better.  Further, these positive thoughts come back to create good luck and then good things start to happen in bunches.

Clearly, I’m an optimist.  Recently, our basement flooded, a 100-foot tree fell onto our car and back shed from a neighbour’s yard and this was on top of everyday stressful events that occur.  Yet still, I believe that I’m lucky, the world is good and positivity begets positivity.

After the tree fell on our car, there was a delay of over a week for the insurance company to arrange for the tree removal company to come (lots of people had trees come down in the windstorm).  Within that period of time, the tree bloomed – its leaves started to grow and buds started appearing on the ends of the branches.  In the midst of that chaos, I was able to appreciate its beauty and lament the bittersweet ending for that beautiful tree.

My New Positive Affirmation


So I’m going to take the lesson that I learned from my daughter to heart and use this new affirmation in my everyday self-talk: “Everything about my life is going to get better.”

Isn’t that an amazing thought and energy to send out into the universe?  And you know what? When I say that to myself, I feel a little bit of excitement right in the pit of my tummy!

What if you approached today as if everything in your life was about to get better?  What huge stressor would lift off you?  What big challenge would you be able to overcome?  What key parts of your life would improve – your close relationships, your financial situation, your job?

Post a comment below and let us know.


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