Kirsten Manley-Casimir
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A power pose is an amazing tool to help you create success in your life.


Recently, I watched Amy Cuddy’s TED talk about how deliberately engaging in a physical posture of confidence, like a power pose, can increase feelings of confidence and lead to more success.  As Cuddy explains, a power pose is the posture that we would all recognize Olympic athlete do when they win at the international level – the pose where a person, feeling victorious, holds their two arms up in the air above their head.


A power pose can help people feel more confident if done prior to big events like public speaking or job interviews.  As a result, Cuddy recommends that people should remember to do a power pose before any big event to help them perform more confidently.


Putting a Power Pose into Action


Shortly after watching the TED talk, I was walking to a meeting in a building I had only visited a few times. It is a huge building with several entrances.  As I walked to the first door, I noticed that another young woman had tried the door just ahead of me and was walking back down the stairs as I walked up to try it as well.  I thought maybe she didn’t have the ID that I have to get into the building so I went ahead and tried it myself.


But when I tried the door I realized that it was locked.


Feeling rushed, I walked to the next closest entrance and ended up following the same young woman into the main entrance.  As we waited to get cleared at the security desk together, I smiled and told her that I had tried the locked door too just after her.  We chatted as we walked to the elevators together.


She asked: “Are you going to a job interview too?”


I answered: “No, I’m going to a meeting.”


As we stepped into the elevator together, my eyes as big as saucers and I asked: “Have you already gone to the bathroom?”


Looking confused, she answered: “Yes.”


I said: “Okay, well…put your bags down on the floor.”


So she did.


Then I said: “Hold her two arms above your head in a power pose, like this. It will help you feel confident and will increase your chances to get the job!”


I then stepped off the elevator and looked back at her.


“Good luck!” I yelled as the elevators doors closed while she stood there with her hands above her head, looking a bit confused.


So I know what you’re probably thinking: “That was weird.  That was awkward.”


And yes, it was.


To me, that little bit of awkwardness was worth it.  I really hope that the power pose helped her feel more confident as she walked into that interview.  How we carry ourselves physically can have a tremendous impact on our confidence level and a tremendous impact on how others perceived us as well.


So the next time you’re getting ready for a big event, consider trying out a power pose – it’s another great tool for your superhero toolbox.  I hope it will help you feel confident and perform your very best in that big moment.


And to the woman in the elevator…I would love to hear if you got the job!


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